In chapter 11, Leader sent Matty on a long journey. But first, Leader told Matty how forest was thickening and Matty should be careful. Also, Leader said that Kira was lovely. Matty went home and packed his belongings. Jean came and told Matty that Ramon and his sister were very sick. No one was to enter their house because Herbalist thought that the disease might be contagious. Right before Matty left on his journey, he looked out the window and saw that Forest was thickening. Jean kissed Matty at the very end of the chapter.
In chapter 12, Matty realized that Frolic was afraid of the dark. After the fourth night of the journey, the food supply was exhausted. Matty was not afraid though, and to his surprise, Frolic didn't need to be carried. Matty posted messages along paths. But Matty could tell that Forest changed because Matty received hostility from Forest. Chipmunks bit his fingers and fish were slow to come to his hook. Poison ivy grew along the paths, too. Forest was darker. There was a nasty stench to Forest and when Matty sat on the log that he knew was sturdy, it collapsed on him and perished. He had nightmares suddenly and his head ached and his throat was sore.
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